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20 Ways to Improve Sexual Performance

April 4, 2021
By, laura

Most people want to improve something in the bedroom. For some, it’s a case of wanting more sex. Some want to last longer in the bedroom. And some want to feel more confident while they’re doing it.

There’s no shortage of pills, potions and performance enhances that promise to turn you into a sexual beast, but how many of these actually work? For men and women, improving performance in the bedroom is often a case of trial and error to find out what works right for you.

There’s also an argument for making sure you’re with the right person. Having chemistry in the bedroom and matching your partner’s energy is a key part of your performance. If you have a high sex drive and your partner has a low sex drive, you’ll always be forced to meet in the middle which could leave you feeling unfulfilled.

In this extensive guide, we’re going to look at 20 common ways to improve sexual performance. We’ve split the list into tips for men and women. While some of the tips are

For men

Male enhancement surgery

Perhaps the most expansion option available is to have a penile implant inserted. This is an extreme measure that should only be considered under certain circumstances. In the UK, this procedure isn’t available on the NHS.

It’s also worth noting that many men who have had the surgery are often disappointed with the results. It can lead to disfigurement and scarring. Male enhancement surgery is likely to only add around 2 cm to the length and 1cm to the girth.

Male enhancement pills

Enhancement pills such as Viagra are now available to purchase without a prescription. This means that anyone can make the most of the little blue wonder pill. Viagra helps to improve the blood flow to the penis which can help you to achieve and maintain an erection.

If you struggle to get hard and stay hard, this type of pill can help you. The effects are temporary. You should be wary about any pill that promises to increase your size permanently as these are likely to be a scam. Always check the source of the pills and purchase from a pharmacy so that you know exactly what you’re getting.

Cock rings

A cock ring fits over the top of the penis and helps to increase sensitivity and blood flow. By forcing blood into the shaft and tip of the penis, you can achieve a harder erection that lasts longer. Cock rings are available in a range of materials and can be enhanced with the addition of a mini vibrator.

A metal cock ring slips on while the shaft is flaccid and then is held in place when you get hard. A silicone cock ring offers a gentler experience and this can be slipped on and off as required. Jelly rubber rings are also available, although these will not have the same body-safe compatibility as a silicone ring.

Penis extenders

A penis extender uses water pressure or air pressure to temporarily increase the size of the penis. This works by placing the penis in a sealed tube and then exerting negative force to the tube. This forces blood into the penis and can create a temporary swelling effect.

With regular use, you could enjoy harder erections for longer. You are essentially training yourself to achieve a harder erection. There are many different toys available to explore this methodology, including the Bathmate.

Penis sleeves

A penis sleeve is a prosthetic sleeve that slips over the penis to create the illusion of a longer and thicker shaft. They are commonly used by men with erectile dysfunction to help them perform in the bedroom.

If you’re worried about how long you last in the bedroom, a penis sleeve can help you to satisfy your partner by lasting much longer. It can slip over an erect or flaccid penis, so you don’t need to worry about how long you can last. This can take some of the pressure off you to perform.

Masturbation trainers

It’s a common myth that you should abstain if you want to perform better in the bedroom. In reality, you need to get as much “practice” as possible. This will help to improve blood flow to the penis and help you to control sensitivity. While women might struggle to achieve enough sensitivity, men often have a surplus.

A masturbation trainer or sleeve is a silicone sleeve with textured nodules on the inside. It’s an effective way to pleasure yourself in a unique way. A close-ended trainer will also make for much easier clean up.

Improve fitness

A really simple way to ensure you have more fun in the bedroom is to enhance your fitness levels. You can increase your stamina and allow you to last for much longer. There is also the added benefit that losing weight around your waist and stomach can make your penis appear much larger.

Focus on a combination of cardio and strength training to improve your overall fitness. Improving your diet can also help you to perform better in the bedroom. Eating too many starchy carbs can make you feel sluggish and sleepy.

Reduce stress

Sometimes you just need to get out of your own way. Stress is often a major factor that impacts a man’s ability to perform in the bedroom. Find ways to eliminate stress from your life or learn some coping mechanisms to limit the impact on your bedroom antics.

Stress can pull your focus away from the task at hand and leave you thinking about all the wrong things. By learning to control stress in your life, you could enjoy a more fulfilling sex life.

Improve flexibility

Can you touch your toes? Improving your flexibility could help you to improve your sexual performance. It will enable you to explore new positions with your partner, which can help to keep things interesting. You don’t have to be an Olympic gymnast to see the benefits.

A simple low-impact yoga routine could help to improve your flexibility while also busting stress at the same time. When you’re feeling more agile and healthy, you’re much more likely to be adventurous in the bedroom.

Kick bad habits

It’s no secret that alcohol and smoking can impact your sex life. Drinking actually dulls your sex drive, so if you find you can’t perform after one too many beers, you know why. Cutting back on alcohol can also help you to lose weight.

Smoking is another habit that can damage your sex life. Smoking damages your vascular system, which is essential for getting an erection. Quitting smoking can help to improve your cardiovascular health which can in turn help to improve your performance in the bedroom.

For women

Women have different concerns in the bedroom. They might feel timid about their body, lack confidence about their performance and they might struggle to achieve orgasm. These are all issues you can tackle easily with the right partner.

Confidence is something that comes from within. It’s not something bestowed upon you once you reach a certain weight. It’s something that you create for yourself. Just like men, women often need time on their own to learn what works for them so that they can perform better as a couple.

Sensitivity lubes

Achieving orgasm from penetration alone is not right for everyone. Some women need a little extra help, and this sometimes comes in the form of a sensitivity lube. While men are often looking to last longer, women want to speed things up, and sensitivity lube can help this.

Often warming or tingling, these lubes increase blood flow to intimate areas such as the clit. This can help to enhance every touch, suck or flick.


Lubrication is essential for enhancing sensations during sex, but it’s important to use the right amount. Too much lubricant will reduce all friction, and you need a little bit of friction to be able to feel anything.

A good body safe lubricant used in moderation is a great way to enhance sensations in the bedroom and make sex more enjoyable. Without this essential step, you could be feeling undue pressure and unnecessary stress.

Kegel balls

As we get older, the muscles of the pelvic floor get weaker and this can lead to less satisfying sex. Kegel balls help to teach you how to engage these muscles and can lead to stronger and more satisfying orgasms.

Kegel balls are typically made of silicone and may vibrate or contain a free-moving internal ball. They are also usually weighted. The challenge is to keep the kegel balls in place by engaging your deep core muscles.

Pelvic trainers

Similar to kegel balls, pelvic trainers are silicone insertable devices which may vibrate or connect to an app. Training your pelvic floor muscles, particularly after having children, can help to increase sensations and pleasure.

Using a smart pelvic trainer will allow you to see improvements and bring a sense of order to your training.

Female pumps

To help give your foreplay a boost, a female pump is the ideal addition to your toy box. A female pump can be used on the nipples or labia to help boost blood flow and increase sensitivity. If you struggle to achieve orgasm, this can be a great way to increase sensitivity to your most intimate regions and increase the chances of reaching climax.

Improve flexibility

If you struggle to get into more adventurous positions, improving your flexibility can help. Just like men can benefit from this important improvement, women can also experience considerable benefits.

Yoga and pilates can help to increase your strength and flexibility and make it easier for you to hold more adventurous positions for longer. Some positions offer better access to your G spot and other sensitive regions, so you would increase your chances of reaching climax.

Improve fitness

Improving your fitness levels can help to increase stamina and allow you to achieve more ambitious positions. It could also boost your confidence and make you feel more comfortable wearing lingerie or nothing at all.

Improving flexibility and strength through resistance training and cardio could help you to feel more confident and improve your performance in the bedroom.

Boost confidence

Boosting your confidence is a great way to ensure you have more fun in bed. But confidence is a very personal thing and there is no surefire way to make this happen. Getting to the source of your insecurities might not be easy, but learning how to put these to one side can greatly improve your sex life.

Insecurities might hold you back in the bedroom and prevent you from trying new things that could increase your pleasure.

Improve your diet

You might think the two are completely unrelated, but your diet can have a huge impact on your fun in the bedroom. High carb meals can make you feel sluggish and bloated. Instead, focus on eating high protein meals with non-starchy carbs.

There are also foods with reported aphrodisiac qualities which can help to boost your sexual performance. We recently shared some top tips on the foods to eat to boost your sex drive.

Limit stress

Like men, women also find that stress damaged their sex life. Stress can pull your focus and prevent you from enjoying the moment. Controlling stress in your life is a great way to improve your sex life.

Stress comes from many sources, and it might not always be obvious. Finding ways to control and limit the stress in your life may be difficult, but the good news is that a fulfilling sex life can be stress relieving. When you’re working towards this simple goal, you can compound your efforts and achieve


Both men and women have reasons to feel their performance could improve in the bedroom. If you’re hoping to get better in the sack in 2021, the best thing to do is talk to your partner. An honest and open conversation about your feelings is always the best place to start. Working together with your partner could be a lot more fun than tackling these issues on your own.

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